We’re very excited to bring you this extremely talented young Designer, as our title states Zoe Damacela’s star is rising!! Some of you may or may not be familiar with this young Designer but, trust us you will be.
This young Designers story somewhat reads like some sort of Hallmark Television Special. One point and time in her life, she and her family where homeless for a period of time, she was teased for wearing hand-me-downs and then she also battled a sickness on top of everything else. One thing, she never allowed that to stop her or put her into a box and she kept dreaming!
You may recognize her from when she appeared on the Tyra Banks Show, when Tyra was so moved by this young Designers drive, passion and pure talent, that Tyra declared she was going to be like her mentor and introduce her to the right names in the Fashion Industry that could help her on her way. Well, since being on the Tyra show Designer Zoe Damacela recently appeared on E!News. you may have had the great pleasure of seeing Zoe and some of her collection. One reason we also wanted to bring this Designer to your attention isn’t just solely for her Fashions and her talents, its also about her Drive for being and excellent role model to other young people that may have dreams and aspirations.
You see when Zoe was just very young she had that entrepreneurial passion, at a young age she had developed her own greeting cards and sold them to make money, not for silly things but to build on her dream. This young woman while still in High school developed her business plan which in turn won her second place in the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship's 2009 National Competition. Zoe’s was also invited by President Obama to the White House for the “Start Up America Initiative,”
and since has been asked to be a representative and Mentor for other young people. This program is designed to celebrate, inspire and accelerate high-growth entrepreneurship throughout the Nation, plus Zoe was also asked by Former President Bill Clinton to be a part of “Global Initiative”. Designer Zoe Damacela is such a great example to so many that are already in the industry, as well as to so many individuals that want to have their own businesses!
Now you understand why we stated, that this young Designers Star is on the rise. Recently, Zoe who is now 19-years old won the Seventeen Magazines “Pretty Amazing Contest,” Zoe will not only be donning the cover of the October 2011 issue, she will also be featured in this issue of Seventeen magazine!!
Being that Zoe Damacela, is very hands on you can always request a fitting that she will make a one of a kind garment for you (No matter what your size is). Make sure you visit her website (http://www.zoedamacela.com), which is still humble because, as we stated her star is rising but her talent has already bloomed and has taken amazing form! We also encourage you all to show your support to her blog located at http://www.zoedamacela.blogspot.com
Trust us when we say that Zoe Damacela will be a house hold name and will be showing one day at Mercedes Benz Fashion Week or Couture Fashion Week. We’re simply saying: Look out Designers there is a Fresh, Exciting, Brilliant, Warm Spirited new Talented Designer COMING!!
To see Zoe Damacela’s interview on the Tyra Banks Show visit: http://youtu.be/CViWra76KU4
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Article by: M. DeGaines – Sr. Style/Fashion Reporter
Photos came from the website Bing.com
Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
This article is property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and copyrights of Lapazimageingfashion.blogspot.com ©2011. It is prohibited by law to copy, add or release this information without signed authorization of the so said company herein listed in this article under the laws of The United States and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Copyright Infringement Laws.
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