Sonya LaRae: Editor-in-Chief
Me-ah: Editor
Najaam Lee: Special Correspondent
Brian Goldson: Photographer
Special Article by: Editor-in-Chief Sonya LaRae
Prior to us attending CFW, I setup and exclusive interview with the Genius and Mastermind of Couture Fashion Week, Mr. Andres Aquino! Our interview was beyond magnificent it was just so incredible and just speaking with such and imaginative, visual and fashion forward person to paint you the picture of what he is going to bring to the event is just Awe Inspiring to say the least- I asked Andres how does he keep things fresh? He stated: “I love fashion; and for me to keep it fresh I always compete with myself as to not to become stagnant.” I really thought that was a profound statement, Andres looks at each element to build upon, even when it comes to the runway for his show. He uses the U shaped runway as well as the W shaped, because it makes it intimate and involved and giving you more for your eye to take in and the stimulation of the senses. Now this brings us to the night of Andres Aquino’s Fabulous Runway show and I hope you all enjoy and we cannot wait to hear what our Special Correspondent Najaam Lee of Vedic Image Group has to say!
(Special Correspondent: Najaam Lee: “Finally its time for the Man of the Hour!! We’ve come back from intermission and its now a Packed house and the runway has been changed from a U to a W and a draped screen that looks like a theatre, is placed as a backdrop for the show, and now its time for the show to start and it opens with Carole Bufford who is a blues singer with a wonderful way of painting a story through the music and her voice and then the first look comes out onto the runway and its breathtaking a 3 tiered soft gold toned dress that is just beautiful You just have to see what we’re see:”)
(Notes from Editor-in-Chief): When you see something this beautiful and delicate you know your about to witness something great! The hair is just so elegant and sort of 18th century, and mysterious- A few of the hair styles were sculptors of high hat and very different!! You have to see what else is just slinking out onto the runway and each piece just keeps getting better and better!!
After being totally Wowed by what took place on the runway Andres takes it up another notch by having Fabulous Dance Troop come onto the stage and perform and amazing piece for all of those in attendance of Couture Fashion Week Day 2:
As if this wasn’t enough of a spectacular moment and event another part of Andres Aquinos’ Collection comes onto the runway and gives birth into something even more splendid then before! You can see the audience sitting on the edges of their seats just wanting more and to drink in more and Andres is doing just that playing a game of Mind-Blowing-Decadence:
Fabulous! I know you’re sitting here in shock looking at these photos!! I was in total shock when I was review the photos and trying to pick which ones would be used for this article. I mean Andres is giving such details like if you look at the hair its and extension of the elegant designs of the garments how the hair fall and wraps around the neck like a scarf is just brilliant! OMG!! It is not over by far her comes another amazing Dance Troop and its Award Winning Ballroom Dancers David and Ting Ting:
Bravo!! Amazing just so elegant and show such a rich culture and diversity. When you attend Couture Fashion Week that is exactly what you are getting a deep and rich culture that is educating you in style, rhythm and class! OMG!! He is giving this show case both barrels:
This show is beautiful the elements that have been added such as the handbags that are just to die for and the Shoes!! Najaam our Special Correspondent, got to speak with the amazing shoe Designer John Ashford that provided the beautiful Jeweled 6-8inch heels that are custom made for Andres collection. Then just as you thought it was over Carolina Catalan Carabla who is a Phenomenal Flamenco dancer graces the stage and wearing such a beautiful outfit to perform in:
Then to close out, any kind of amazing jaw dropping Runway show, is to bring out none other than the Brides!! Andres did just that and he really just came with a full array of creativity and glamour and its all over this collection and none other than the most Brilliant person behind it all is Andres Aquino Designer, Visionary, Coordinator and Exceptional Producer!
PLEASE!! Will you put your hands together and get up on your feet for the one and only Andres Aquino Producer Extraordinary:
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Where everything is Fabulous!
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