Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Editor: Meah
Photographer: L.Stanly, D. Robinson
There is always some sort of battle or controversy when it comes to the look that models have on and off the runway. Either they are too thin or just too heavy, and the masses say that models should be a size 2 to be considered a model but, then you have one that really sets the presidency and is the voice when it comes to the looks of models that have curves and the sexier body than the traditional model, and she also happens to be one of the Hottest Plus-size models in the industry; then all of a sudden this voice and advocate makes a sudden change in weight and look, that when she was out at a Charity Gala this week in New York City, you would not and most did not recognize her. Who in the world could I be speaking of? Its the one and only Fabulous Crystal Renn, you know the 5’9” Brunette bombshell who is a sexy size 14 Runway model, well guess what people she isn’t that any longer. Renn is now a Platinum Blond and is now per “Crystal Renn” she fluctuates between a size 6-10 now!! I know your jaw just dropped, hit the floor and you passed out, but you heard us correctly now we just must show you the major transformation of Crystal Renn:
I know such a major change in her image and Renn has been so vocal about excepting her as a real curvy woman and that she loved her body the way it was, and now Renn is stating, “she is happier that she can except herself and love herself as a size 6-10 and seeing that she is healthy.” I’m sorry but, I thought she was rather sexy at a size 14; and I would like to know what image and statement she is now giving to those young woman that looked up to her as the curvy, sexy model that was this fabulous size 14 and comfortable in her own skin?
Many would say this isn’t such a big deal but, this is and we cannot wait to hear what the masses in the Fashion Industry has to say in regards to the new slimmer Crystal Renn. One thing I do hope, is that someone sends Crystal Renn the memo that Platinum isn’t her color, and that she may have slimmed down but, looking healthy is more important than the size 6 gown she selected to wear to the Charity Gala!
Be apart of the Hottest Spot on the Internet!
Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
Where everything is Fabulous!
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ReplyDeleteLove Crystal Renn.
I was also disappointed in her transformation. She looked great at a size 14 and as long as she was healthy and fit I don't see why she felt the need to get bone thin. Anyway, I am your newest follower from the Networking Blog Hop! I would love if you would check out my blog and if you like what you see please follow back :)
ReplyDeleteModern Modest Beauty