Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Special Wednesday Exclusive Episode 3 MissAdvised;-)

Snapshot of me 2

Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae

Editor: Meah

Photographs: Via Google

Article By: Sonya LaRae-Certified Life Coach



Welcome back to another week of MissAdvised';-), this weeks episode was about “Types”, you know What type of person that you would like to marry or have in you life? The show opens with just the ladies sitting one-on-one with the interviewer and the camera’s focused on what the replies to this question will be:

Julia- Answered first by stating: I want someone who is like my father (Okay that just wasn’t a real news breaker her when she said that because it was, everything we knew she was going to say and some).

Emily- Answered She wants someone who is not afraid to be more adventures in there sexuality (No shocker either because we realized that she is a closet freak and sometimes not so much in the closet either).

Amy- Answered that she is interested in having real love and someone who is just in love with her (I don’t find this to be unusual for her either because how desperate she wanted to be excepted by her last date with young Lewis)

Bravo Ladies Now into the show we go it opens up with Emily who decides that she is going to go to Michigan, which is back home to visit her family and she finds out from a good friend of hers that David R. an old high school/Elementary school crush is single. Which now means she super excited to return home where before she wasn’t so crazed over the idea and even brought it up with her menace of a Co-host (which by the way he really calls Emily out on things and makes sure that all of us know that she is a hypocrite) Look we’ll come back to Emily.

Its time to go to New York City where Amy lives and works. As you all remember last week she went on the date with Hot Lewis, where she acted like the crazed mom over calories in hot chocolate what the man was about to have for dinner which was his chicken pot-pie and she is trying to still figure out why Lewis hasn’t called. Hello Amy he got the memo from the NUT Fairy that said “Dude Run This One Has Too Many Issue” for this young 28 year old man. Amy, lets us know how much she really wants to be in love and how much she loves, love and the other thing is, she loves her job and helping individuals find that special someone and giving them the dos and don’ts of dating and the things that will help them have success in their relationships. HELLO Amy, newsflash!! Can you stop being a hypocrite and follow and take the advise that you give to your clients? Seriously! She lets her friend kind of set her up on another date with this guy Tim Sikes-Financial Advisor on Wall Street- Now watch this she doesn’t know how to take off the pants and allow herself to be a woman who wants to be courted- You what are you talking about? She calls Tim, which isn’t a bad thing being that she said she’d give him a call well she calls and says yeah I’d love to go out and then she takes off with out even allowing him to have a moment to say okay so would you like to go to? Nope she tells him well I thought we could meet at Alfiere Restaurant at such and such time. Stop taking over and let the man be the man and you try being a lady for just a moment. Well, lets head back to San Fran where we left Emily.

Hey did you all know that Emily got a Dog? When and what for? Emily is so excited to be going on her trip she is now changing the packing that she had done prior to finding out that David (High School Crush) is divorced from his wife and oh by the way she never said, “I’m sorry to hear that he is divorced is he okay? Anyone know what exactly happened?  Nothing like this had come out of her mouth not even when she was gushing with her mom over him. Now she is in Michigan and we get to finally meet Amy’s mother and step-father and they seem like a really nice couple but, hey to Emily, these people are the reason why she is the way she is. During dinner the subject of grandchildren come up and Emily’s mother says well you know you can always adopt a child because your getting older and you see Emily’s hair standup on the back of her neck.. LOL! She starts well I guess I could think of adoption being that I cannot find the right man and then there is the fact that I may have one dust free egg that can be harvested and just as the conversation was going to take another change the bell rings (Thank GOD!) Its Emily’s childhood friend that is married and has 2 children of her own living the life that Emily is so desperate to have but not really sure how she really thinks she will get it with the things she does and put out. Her girlfriend comes in they start chit-chatting and she ask Emily did you hear that David is divorced and back on the market and has been out dating and Emily say yes but, I don’t want to be the rebound date (only because her mother brought that up to her the night or so before hand) her girlfriend states he’s been out dating and she says I’m going to give him and a call and the NO don’t call sounded so fake when Emily yelled it out.. LOL!! Needless to say the date is set and they are going out.. Fast forward to the date Emily is out with David and you see her doing a great deal of flirting and her body language is like I want you and I want you now and his body-language is I want to have sex with you and just jump in bed with you now who really cares what your talk about because I’m just horny for you. The sexual tension through dinner is crazy and so after ward he ask her back to his place. Hello what do we really think is going to happen they are going to have a quick drink and then go home. NOT so they’re talking with each other and David get’s up and moves over to where Emily is sitting and puts his arm around her and  next thing you know he is kissing her and I don’t mean a little peck I mean oh is this how the back of your throat looks. I was like so I knew it and just end scene with them because we know where this is going to go and next week we’ll be talking about this and if she will come back to Michigan for Love.. NOT!!

Julia in LA as you know last week made a totally Ass of herself with Hot and Sexy Chris. Who you know he didn’t call her again and is praying never to see the nut again and is probably in therapy from the interaction he suffered with this nut case. Anyway, Julia calls her “Friend” Anna who is a “Love Coach” and let me tell you all the things she tells Julia is spot on and she is all the things that Anna says she is little to her little shocked face that its all so true. Anna tells Julia that she needs to cut back on that big laugh out loud because its not a Authentic telling her to stop talking so much and allow the other person to have time to speak and answer the questions she ask but, don’t be the reporter which, by the way I totally understood because as a Journalist you tend to sit on the end of your seat and interrogate the poor person, and it seemed as if everyone was telling Julia that she needed to be more Authentic from the Editor at her dream job told her the same thing with regards to her writings that she had submitted.

Look just to wrap things up in this way all of the ladies are still in the same spot (Wait not Julia, how? She listened to the Love Coach and went on her date with William and didn’t do all the annoying things she always does and she listened I mean she really listened to him and was Authentic and she now has a second date), so Emily and Amy are right were they have been since the show started still single, confused and not in love. Emily, is still giving in to fast and not really look for real love. Amy is still being extremely judgmental when it comes to her dates and the double standard in her own love life is major.


I cannot wait until Next Week and Please feel free to comment on the show we love hearing back from you. Don’t forget to checkout my Partner in Crime on this show who has become just as addicted to this show as I am Ms. Najaam Lee President/Creative Director of Vedic Image Group and Editor-in-Chief of GOSH ABOUT at


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