Saturday, June 22, 2013

Do Blonds Have More Fun:


Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae

Senior Editor: Leah Leslie

Photography: B. Niemen for Lapazimageing Fashion Forward

Article by: Marisol DeGaines

Lapazions, February of this year I was privileged to take in the Two Blonds fashion show and I have to tell you it was insane, cutting edge,a little dark and totally out of the norm of anything I’ve covered for fashion week via Lapazimageing Fashion Forward. Phillipe and David aka “The Blonds” are known for pushing the envelope when it comes to their styling; I mean look at Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Nicki Minaj and BeyoncĂ©'s nipple leotard she’s donned for her Mrs. Carter tour (need I say anything more). The headshotLook I knew from the jump I was going to be in for a real treat and something just a bit different from those that were in attendance. I mean I totally didn’t get the memo for dress attire so; I stuck out like a sore thumb but, held my own Lapazions. I did see Carmen Electra, Johnny Weir among those in attendance of The Blonds show but, let me give you the feeling via the audience: Carmen Electradifferent oddgun bandJohnny Wierodd fellow Yup very different clientele, it ranged from the psychedelic, punk-rock, sci-fi to down right androgynous. I mean I saw it all in this audience. Now let’s get into the collections I’m a little taken back its like Henry Bates meets Mr. Hyde (Shivers) dark- knives are a main accessory to some of the looks the furs are ridiculous I love them but all and all I don’t foresee me rocking any of these looks anytime soon. Here is your first look at some of the collections:TBS7TBS18I loved the models hair and from the photos from backstage they are rocking the most Fabulous wigs and jeweled stiletto nails. I’m all for the theatrical looks when it comes to hair and makeup, I love it and feel it gives “most” collections a certain pop:makeupNail artNail art2Then from this point The Blonds took us from possible murder to bondage literally and then burlesque:TBS6TBS12TBS13TBS24Then one of “The Blonds” took to the runway wearing this long coat that once she whipped it open it revealed a very tight red sequin body-suit and I couldn’t believe they sent a model out wearing a fur pant jumpsuit that just looked so bulky, hot and made her look a little fat. I seriously thought to myself who in their right mind would even think to create something this odd?:TBS2TBS3TBS21I’m like wow, this collection is very different and not overly cohesive because; just as we’re taking in these pieces gowns start coming out and some are very beautiful but, for me I felt like it was a little disjointed: TBS5TBS10

TBS14I told you the detailing of the gowns are just breathtaking and I love the fluidity of the fabrics just beautiful but, with such a dark and ominous feeling collection your not expecting to see these alluring and beautiful gowns. Hey as they say “fashion is left up-to the interpretation of those that are wearing, styling or taking it in”. To close out the night The Blonds took to the runway gave each other a kiss and brought the house to applause:The Blonds1The BlondsLapazions don’t forget that Lapazimageing Fashion Forward will be covering once again MBFW and Couture Fashion Week in September 2013. For more photos from The Blonds runway collection make sure you become a VIP LaPazion on our Facebook page so you can have access to all of our exclusive photographs from all of our fabulous events that we cover. Log onto

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This article is property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and copyrights of © 2011-2013. It is prohibited by law to copy, add or release this information without signed authorization of the so said company herein listed in this article under the laws of The United States and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Copyright Infringement Laws.

All opinions stated in this report are strictly the thoughts, ideas and statements of Lapazimageing Fashion Forward parent company and owner LaPaz Image/Event Consultants. We by no means endorse nor are we biased by any one person, product or image.This commentary is strictly for entertainment purposes and should not be taken out of context.

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