Wednesday, March 20, 2013

What’s Happening to Fashion TV

Fashion Week 036

Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae

Senior Editor: Neah Leslie

Article by: Sonya LaRae

Photographs Provided by: Google and Bravo


Hello LaPazions, I guess today has been one of those days that if you could see, hear or experience something rather odd then today is that day. I happened to be at a clients home and she had her television on and low and behold; I don’t know if I was floored, offended, appalled or just purely turned off-I guess you’re asking what could have me so upset? Its the new show on Bravo TV titled: 5628_10151307232620780_231918165_nI’m not sure if any of you have seen this yet or not but, in the words of two of the co-host “I’m about to give you the tea!”  First things first when did Miss Lawrence and Derek J become so popular that they warranted their own show and then to throw this mixture a pure curve; they add insult to injury and have Bevy Smith on the panel. Hello has anyone seen these three style wait, correction lack of style? Miss Lawrence over the top foo-foo-la, Derek J his ill fitting clothing that always is too tight and one size too small, and then Bevy Smith with that ever so long cleavage and boobs that could be seen from outer space. Bravo (Andy Cohen) has the nerve to have these three giving fashion advise, criticism and so called tips WHAT THE HELL!!

The show that I saw had Miss Lawrence wearing this dust filled mohair rat with red above the knee boot and bright red lips, Derek J was wearing this too small female pant suit that Bevy Smith tried to clown him (Derek) and Miss Lawrence on their outfit, but she must not have gotten the memo that she looked rather beat with her too small dress, jacket no stockings on really ugly legs that needed a little care and then to top all that off; Bevy had the nerve to wear this purple lip-gloss that looked like she just finished eating a bucket of greasy fried chicken (RACHET!!)

bravo-tv-fashion-queens-bevy-smith-derek-j-lawrence  They looked like the menagerie and the set is just tacky and cheap looking much like these very coy and fake wannabe Diva’s. I know that Miss Lawrence and Derek J are hairstylist and they have several of the A-list Atlanta crowd that they take care of, such as the ladies from the Real House Wives of Atlanta and Big Rich Atlanta. Bevy is very well known for her elaborate dinner parties (Dinner with Bevy) were she get’s the whose-who to attend and build fabulous relationships and she also has worked for Rolling Stone and other well known publications but, this time around I think she and her co-host are in the wrong lane (mind you this is just my opinion).

Bevy Smith fashion-queens-tv-show 

This is my issue with this type of show, there are so many real certified/licensed Image/Style Consultants that they (Bravo) could have given a real platform to that would have given solid, educational and factual information in regards to celebrity looks-body-types, why the person should or shouldn’t wear a certain look and much more. Instead you have three catty-fake and seriously fashionably challenged individuals giving worthless information-giving high attitude and thinking way more of themselves then they should.  When something like this show is put together I don’t know if its just for laughs but, it takes away from our industry- dumbs’ down what true Image Consultants earnestly stand for, all the education, time and effort that we put into being the best professionals that we are. I know some of you may or may not understand my feelings but, those of you that do I would hope you wouldn’t give this show your time nor your energy.

I’d really like to hear you feedback and reaction to this show if you’ve seen it or if you’d like to just speak your opinion in regards to this article.

Be apart of the Hottest Spot on the Internet!

Lapazimageing Fashion Forward

Where Everything is Fabulous!

This article is property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and copyrights of © 2013. It is prohibited by law to copy, add or release this information without signed authorization of the so said company herein listed in this article under the laws of The United States and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Copyright Infringement Laws.

All opinions stated in this report are strictly the thoughts, ideas and statements of Lapazimageing Fashion Forward parent company and owner LaPaz Image/Event Consultants. We by no means endorse nor are we biased by any one person, product or image.This commentary is strictly for entertainment purposes and should not be taken out of context.

1 comment:

  1. great article. I sooo agree Sonya that we need to RIOT!!! lol
