Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor: Nile Harper
Article by: Sonya LaRae-Certified Image Consultant, Certified Lifestyle/Relationship Coach, Fashion/Style Journalist
Photographs provided by: Lapazimageing and Google.com
Hello LaPazions, it’s that time meaning many of you are first time college students and leaving your homes for the very first time as well. With this being stated many of you have emailed us asking about the differences in high school wardrobe and college wardrobe. Have no fear LaPazions we are here to help you transition into your “adult hood!”
The first important fact that you must remember is you no longer have the strict rules on what you can or cannot wear and many of you have rocked a uniform for the past 6 years:
We’re going to give you a few tips that will help you transition your wardrobe from high school to college without feeling overwhelmed. Trust me you’ll have other things you will be overwhelmed by.
1. As I stated college has fewer rules: You will no longer have someone dictating to you what you can and cannot do so, this is a great time to experiment with looks and style until you actually find you true style. I know this all sounds easier than it really is but, once you start to give yourself permission to do "you," it will start to take shape rather quickly.
Here is a little statement that I love to give my clients that are going into college to remember:
2. Know what to throw away: Meaning I get that you loved your T-shirt with the year you graduated and all the silly things possibly on it but, realize that isn’t something that you need to make you main staple in your wardrobe. If you are sentimental keep and wear it around your dorm and just remember you are out of high school and forging a new beginning. Don’t be afraid to get ride of the kiddie backpacks or strange little hair deco.. You will develop new fetishes and likes.
3. Take your time and go through your wardrobe and select pieces that are more you or who you want to become- When you do this take your time and make sure that it is something that can be paired with a cute skirt or jeans (which we will get back to) but, let it have purpose and not because your best friend has one just like it and it reminds you of your first kiss..
4. Jeans will be your best friend: Yup you read this correctly. I don’t know many college students that don’t live in jeans and rock them in all types of colors and styles. Invest in several pair that are perfect for your particular body-type and that scream you:
5. When in doubt do without: YES please do not take that ratty pajama that your grandmother gave you when you was getting ready to go to high school.. You will see it isn’t something that will be very necessary or stylish. Transitioning takes effort and you must be willing to take the necessary steps to transition successfully into your new role in life.
6. Invest in nice lounge wear: What you don’t realize is that a lot of your time is spent in your dorm and you don’t want to look slouchy or forbid kind of slutty. We don’t want you to live in your college hoodie and PINK sweat pants from Victoria Secret. Get a few cute lounge outfits that are a little more mature and can be slipped on to make the great coffee run:
7. Get your basics: Meaning you will need a few great tank tops, black jacket, cardigan, leggings, yoga pants, cute boots/booties, sweaters, scarves, socks, tights and other little quintessential:8: Make sure you also consider the weather, this will play a major role in your wardrobe selections because, you will need pieces that can transition from cold to warm. That is very important if you are originally from a southern state that doesn’t get very cold and you’re moving up north where the weather can be rather unforgiving in the winter. You need to make sure you pack accordingly because, you don’t want to freeze your derrière off:
Here is the bottom line, going to college is very exciting and offers you such a great opportunity to develop who you want to be, what you want to look like, what social networks you will or will not be apart of. You just have to remember that you are making a new direction for Y.O.U. and don’t ever allow yourself to second guess your worth.
We hope you all have a fabulous school year and we cannot wait to hear your feedback on this article.. To bigger and better things in your lives!
BREAKING NEW- “Pink The Runway” Luxury Couture Formal 8+ Runway show- Will have the Beautiful Bianca Golden from ANTM (America’s Next Top Model) who will be hosting this amazing event October 30,2015! You definitely don’t want to miss out on this groundbreaking event in the fashion industry (click picture): Do you have a fabulous red carpet event, runway show or product launch you’d like Lapazimageing Fashion Forward to cover? E-mail Nelson Nirmond at: bookinglapazimageing@yahoo.com
Have a fabulous product/clothing line/Jewelry collection you’d love for us to review? E-mail promoservices4_lapazimageing@yahoo.com for full-details on submitting products for review.
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Where Everything is Fabulous!
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