Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor: Nile Harper
Article by: Sonya LaRae-Certified Image Consultant, Certified Lifestyle Coach, Fashion/Style Journalist
Photos by: Eric Williams Freelance Photographer
Hello LaPazions, I don’t know if this woman has a golden four leaf clover, 9 lives or just a bit of a great streak but, for someone who has had 4 assault charges, plead guilty to two cases and now most recently was found guilty of assaulting a photographer by the name of Gaetano Di Giovanni and severely injuring his eye, received a suspended prison sentence from the Italian Supreme Court.
The photo above was taken a day before the sentencing, so it shows that Ms. Campbell isn’t afraid of showing her humor or lack of taking things a bit more serious. Naomi had been sentenced in the past to take “Anger Management” Classes and a situation happened while she was in the class. I don’t really know what exactly will help this gorgeous supermodel but, one thing I do know it only takes one time to hit a person and they fall and hit their head and die-then you are looking at murder charges. It’s time for her to grow up and realize she should keep her hands to herself and if she doesn’t want to be photographed she needs to step way out of the lime light:Do you think Naomi should have had to server at least a month? Tell us your thoughts on this matter, we cannot wait to hear your feedback.
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#Fashion, #Justice, #Supermodel, @NaomiCampbell, #FashionBlogger, #style, #ICON, #AngerManagement, #StyleInsider, #StyleBlogger
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