Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senor Editor: Nile Harper
Article by: Sonya LaRae-Certified Image Consultant, Certified Lifestyle/Relationship Coach, Fashion/Style Journalist
Photos: Maxim, Google.com
Hello LaPazions, I guess you all are scratching your heads thinking; hey isn’t MAXIM a magazine and not a clothing/swimwear production company. Yes that is totally correct, but, we don’t know if this is to just boost the readership of the magazine or to bring attention, but; it’s not the first magazine to branch off into fashion i.e. Elle and Vogue. The new collection for MAXIM, is set to debut on the runway at the four-day Funkshion Miami Swim Week (July 16-19) which was formally Mercedes-Benz Miami Swim Fashion Week- in South Beach. They’re priced between $76 and $320.
Here is what I personally find somewhat odd-since the magazine has new leadership Kate Lanphear seems that she is after more female readers. I read a recent article that posed the question “Is Maxim Launching New Swimwear Line to Support Feminism?” I honestly started laughing because, this is a magazine that exploits women and is sex driven. (Shaking my head at this statement) Ms. Lanphear stated in an interview: “She’s featuring beautiful faces and not just bodies.” In our research for this article we pulled from one of our team members subscription and uploaded the following covers- Which by the way only one cover which is from June/July features a face not a full-body shot:Ms. Lanphear during her CBS interview also stated: “Celebrating sexiness is at the essence of the brand, we’re not going to change that, but I think we can experiment with how we show sexiness. sexiness isn’t just about a woman’s body. It can also be about someone’s laugh or the look in her eyes. Our audience is driven, smart, confident, so they’re attracted to women who are just as driven, smart, and confident.”
Pause do you really think that most men that are buying Maxim or even Playboy are buying them for the driven, smart and confident cover models? Please, men are very visual creatures and what’s more stimulating than having a scantily clad woman donning your magazine cover (EVERYONE knows that SEX SELLS!) I don’t know exactly who Maxim and Ms. Lanphear is trying to fool; or how they think a line of swimwear is going to support feminism but, we will keep you posted and updated once the line makes its debut.
LaPazions, we’re really interested in hearing your thoughts and feedback let’s chat about this.
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