Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor: Nile Harper
Article by: Marisol DeGaines- Certified Image Consultant, Fashion/Style Journalist
LaPazions Stop the Presses!! Levi’s has a brand new spokes model and you will not believe who it is(deliberate pause) It’s none other than Alicia Keys:
Yes you heard me correctly- I could not believe it when it came across our desk. We love seeing Alicia in a new role other than fabulous composer/singer/songwriter/producer. Do you all know how many women (fellas we know you love her as well) look up to this woman and celebrate her curves? We personally think that Levi’s has hit the preverbal nail on the head with selecting A. Keys as their new face/spokes model. Levi’s has been around since 1873 and has a rich background and has been such a major staple in fashion and more than just denim, their legacy tells a brands development, change and growth.
Here is a look at the campaign that features Alicia Keys:
Alicia, looks just beautiful in this ad and is so confident walking around the city that she loves so much and made a huge hit song “Empire State of Mind” that featured Jay-z. You can see the pride and just the maturity of this artist/songwriter/philanthropist/mommy/wife in this ad and it just brings forth such energy that only she can bottle:
I thought you all would also love to see the video “Empire State of Mind” that celebrates New York, the diverse culture, fashion and style:
I for one cannot wait to see what else is on the page for Alicia Keys-We’re waiting for a new CD to drop, a clothing line, shoes something- it has been way to long without hearing anything from the beautifully talented lady!
What did you think of the new ad campaign? We cannot wait to hear your feedback.
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Photographs provided by: Levi’s and video’s via YouTube
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