Sunday, February 15, 2015

Review of Herve Leger by Max Azria


Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae

Senior Editor: Nile Harper

Article by: Erin Cortez- Style/Fashion Journalist, Certified Image Consultant (Lapazimageing International)

Photos by: Nicolas Wilson Freelance

LaPazions, OMG! I cannot begin to tell you how cold it is and, how hard it is to come to fashion week looking cute and not just bundled up.. I was never so happy to get inside and sit down and wait for the show to begin.

I’m very interested in seeing what Max and his ever so beautiful wife Lubov is going to present to us. I say that because when you think of Herve Leger you know it’s the signature bondage dress and; what exactly can you do to take it to the next level. Many are saying that Lubov took this seasons collection from the inspiration she got on her trip to Barcelona and taking in the Art Nouveau scene. Needless to say I’m sitting here with bated breath waiting for the first look.

Showtime and I feel excitement coming over me- the first look hits the runway and without a disappointment in the air they’ve pulled off another incredible season! I love the fabric choices and the details are what always makes the Azrias’ work just stand alone. I cannot wait for you to take a look at what we are having the pleasure of receiving:

I told you it was breathtaking the served us stunning fabulous and totally fresh and nothing that we’ve seen in prior seasons. This dynamic couple keeps wowing us each and every season and I hope, I have the opportunity to see what they offer us in September! I present you Max and Lubov Azria:

Max and Lubov Azria

To see more from this collection make sure you join our Exclusive LaPazion Family on Facebook located at:

We cannot wait to hear your feedback on this amazing runway show!

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