Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor: Nile Harper
Article by: Sonya LaRae- Certified Image Consultant, Certified Lifestyle Coach, Fashion/Style Journalist Photographs provided by: Monif C Ad campaign
Hello LaPazions, well I have to tell you I was very excited to see the new ad campaign from Designer Monif C, featuring plus-size model Tess Holliday. Tess is one of the first plus-size models that is signed to a major agency.. I’m very familiar with Tess because, I first noticed her in ads for one of my personal favorite stores Torrid:
Tess Holliday size 22 and is 5’5’
I wasn’t very familiar with Designer Monif C until, I started researching this article and I can tell you honestly that “I’m a fan!” I plan on making it my mission; to connect with Monif Clark in the near future not just for myself but, for my clients as well. I love the background of this Designer because, she hales from corporate America and was bitten by the fashion bug, via a trip to Europe visiting a cousin-who just opened her eyes to all things fashionable and fabulous!! JUST what Lapazimageing Fashion Forward is ALL about!! That trip was the seedling she needed to spark her passion and, per her own words “gave her the drive to create something stunning for women with curves.” The thing I like about this Designer is that she is creating looks that are complimentary to many body-types in the plus sector and; she’s doing it with a modern edge for the business woman, creative artist, moms you name it she has EVERY woman in mind and style.
Monif C’s new collection is really beautiful and I sat and truly examined all the photos and the intricate details and I love her new swimwear line “Sea” by Monif C:
Ladies if you are sick and tired of the same ole-same-ole that you see for plus-size women, then you need to do yourself a favor and visit Monif C’s website located at http://www.monifc.com (at time of publishing this article they “monifc.com” were having some technical difficulties with the site)
This collection is well constructed with boning, tummy tuck lining, underwire and high-waisted two pieces. Monif is designing for the real woman in mind that may have a few more curves but, the clothing she is producing is of excellent quality and taste:I’m really excited over this Designer and I know that many of you all may be just as excited, or if not more so. All I could do is sit here and think about Meghan Trainor’s hit song “All About that Bass” because this Designers’ vision is definitely not serving up any “Treble!”
I cannot wait to hear your thoughts and opinions regarding the collection and Fabulous Designer Monif C
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Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
Where Everything is Fabulous!
*Giving Style a Voice!*
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