Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor: Leah Leslie
Article by: Sonya LaRae-Certified Lifestyle Coach/Certified Image Consultant and MUA
Photos provided by: Lapazimageing Fashion Forward and Google.com
Hello LaPazions, its funny I’m no where near this fabulous age but, I have many clients that are and even a parent that is but; one thing I can say is that no matter what age you are as a woman its okay to still feel, look and dress sexy. Yes ladies there is such a thing as being age appropriate and not going over the top be you 19 or 50- There is a true fine line of being just inappropriate in your fashion selections.
With that being stated; I wanted to find out from a few ladies what they felt was particularly sexy about themselves at this fabulous age. I took the time to sit down and speak with them and to hear what they had to say was their best asset at this age and why they felt this way. I was surprised by each one, what they found sexy and how it made them feel in their everyday life. I told them; right now 50 is looked at as the new 40- LaPazions, I have the great pleasure of knowing each of these very vibrant, highly intelligent, professional and still ever so sexy women and I’m just happy they allowed me to interview them and bring this stunning article to you all! I celebrate each of them as well as each and every one of you:
1st- Emma K of King of Prussia, PA: Sonya I have had the great pleasure of learning so many things about myself as I’ve matured to this fine age and; feel much like a great bottle of expensive wine that has been aged perfectly. I guess what I fine so sexy about myself at this time in my life are my eyes:
Yes I have a few fine lines but, my eyes have such life in them and I still see the spark of that younger me in my eyes. I laugh often and I see myself in my daughter and granddaughter and I also see my own mother in our eyes. I find that I feel very sexy when I have my eyes made up and that is the first thing that most notice about me. I think as many may that the eyes are the true windows to our souls and if your soul is pure it reflects in that window which are my “Eyes”.
I had to totally agree with Emma because, I know when I’m getting her ready for events or when her granddaughter got married this summer, I so played up her beautiful eyes. I love the color of her eyes and and as she stated the sparkle that comes from within she’s definitely killing them with one look.
2nd-Nancy P of Bryn Mawr, PA: You know you’ve helped me in understanding my particular body-type and appreciate the different assets of my body. I always felt as if I didn’t have a good figure but, learning what is flattering to my body was and has made me feel very sexy. The biggest thing in all of this I now just own who I am. My husband said just recently to me: “I love the new found confidence you have and I love that you celebrate you.”
Honestly Sonya, I have found a new kind of sexy in me and knowing my body-type awakened a new found sexy confidence. I love how I look in my clothes and the selections we made to enhance my figure. Okay so, I am no longer that size 10 but, I am a gorgeous mature confident size 16! I see myself now how my husband looks at me and I feel good everyday!! I think as a woman we go through so many changes in our lives from young girls into puberty, from puberty to our 20 something adult bodies and, from that 20 something adult body to our now mature selves. The changes can be so dramatic but, understanding what makes you sexy is something that is priceless.
I agree with Nancy 100%- I say this because when I first met Nancy she felt like she was wearing someone else’s wardrobe and she didn’t have the confidence that I see emanating from her now. Believe it or not ladies what you wear or aren’t wearing can make or break the image you have of yourself. We are much like the caterpillar that morphs into that beautiful butterfly, meaning you must know your particular body-type to appreciate what you have and how to bring out the best you. Clothing can do a many of things and speak in many a languages from calm, racy, sexy, shy or bold. Just remember to have it speak the language that is best suited for your particular lifestyle.
3rd- Dhina M of Chicago, IL: Wow I have to tell you I love my legs! I know they still look good and I show them off any opportunity I get. I use to be the micro-mini queen in my day but, as you’ve helped me to see my hemline can come down some so as to look classy not trashy. I feel as a mature woman now in my mid-50’s I don’t want to look like and old woman cause I don’t feel like an old woman. I just feel like my sexy is something that needs to be given in smaller dosages now so I love my pencil skirts and heels and I still turn heads:
I always get compliments on my legs and now that I’m back on the dating scene, I find it even more exciting than ever to bring fourth my best me and keeping my legs and body in shape is something I celebrate.
I laughed as I interviewed Dhina because, it was the battle of the mini-skirts with her. I agree with her she has the best set of legs outside of Tina Turner as a mature woman but, you don’t have to blow a trumpet to have them noticed at every given moment. Dhina, takes painstaking time in the gym and I love that about her and wanted to keep that essence to her wardrobe but, to bring in the elegance that she exudes. I love that she is moving in new directions with her wardrobe and the selections are showing her growth and still letting people know I got the best legs in this 50’s game.. (I said that with a big smile on my face)
Look ladies her is the thing that I am taking away from this article. No matter what your age is you have to learn how to except yourself and what you think is your best asset. Age is just that a number and you are as old as you feel or act at times. Never allow yourself to stop seeing the beauty within yourself because, once you stop NO one else will notice that beautiful sexy you any longer.
I’d like to thank all the ladies that allowed me to interview them for this article and I look forward to working with you all in the near future:

Ladies if you have a few more wrinkles, a little more curves or your hair is showing the wisdom of years just remember one thing “YOU ARE UNIQUELY YOURSELF!”
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Where Everything is Fabulous!
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