Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor: Leah Leslie
Photos Provided by: Rollout Magazine/Google.com
Article by: Sonya LaRae- Certified Image Consultant/Certified Lifestyle Coach
Hello LaPazions, and welcome back for another great year! 2013 went out a little quiet but, we had a lot of things take place during the year. Now that 2014 is here we know that it’s going to be just as exciting and with new/bigger and better things to go on; which brings us to this very article.
As many of you know we haven’t heard nor seen anything from the original Queen B Lil Kim in who knows how long. Then we saw her out and about at this past seasons MTV awards and was very excited to see her and, to hear that she is going to be working on some new music. Then we get these stunning photos from her recent photo shoot with Rollout Magazine and we have to say that Lil Kim is looking pretty good. Kim tells Rollout Magazine, that she couldn’t do much due to legal issues but, she owns her own label now and she’ll have some new music coming out mid-summer. I know you all are just dyeing to see what Queen B looks like now aren’t you? Well I won’t keep you any longer:Yes this is Lil Kim all grown up and doing it for the magazines cover and layout article. She’s holding her own. Kim, also speaks about how the media is obsessed with her looks but, hey do you blame us I mean this look and the cover:
Is a far cry from the Lil Kim of let’s just say, 1999 when she walked onto the stage with Diana Ross with the purple pasties and Boss Ross fluffed her boob. I mean who really would ever forget that moment:
We look forward to seeing more from Lil Kim and we hope that her new label, artist and her music does extremely well.
We cannot wait to hear your feedback on this article and what you think of Lil Kim’s new look and direction.
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