Editor-in-Chief:Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor:Leah Leslie
Article by:Sonya LaRae-Certified Lifestyle Coach/Certified Image Consultant
Photos Provided:Google.com
Hello Fabulous LaPazions, in continuing our campaign “Divas For the Cure” many times after a diagnosis of breast cancer, women tend to re-evaluate their nutrition and health practices. We’re going to be speaking a little bit about diet and making changes for a healthier life/lifestyle after being diagnosed and surviving breast cancer.
Many times most women start to think about the cause of the cancer, is there diets-lack of exercise what? Yes diet can play a roll in a faster recovery so, we’re going to discuss a few ideas. Remember there are no food or dietary supplements that will act as “magic bullet” to prevent breast cancer from returning. Here are a few things you should try to implement sooner than later:
1). Increase intake of fruits, veggies and whole grains
2). Decrease fat intake to <30 percent of calories
3). Minimize intake of cured, pickled and smoked foods i.e. lunch meats
4). Achieve and maintain a healthy weight (no more than 5-10 lbs. over normal weight)
5). Alcohol consumption-should be done in moderation, if at all depending on your meds and what your doctor suggest
You should receive a nutritional consultation to setup something that will be more beneficial for your particular lifestyle and don’t limit yourself from eating healthier choices.
We hope this article is helpful and remember we’re here for you and hope you’ll also join our affiliates:Jennifer Baker-Founder/President, Editor-in-Chief of Mind of a Diva located at: http://www.mindofadiva.com for informative and helpful articles regarding #BreastCancerAwareness Month.
Join Najaam Lee on Gosh!About located at: http://www.goshabout.wordpress.com where she will help you through her Holistic and Ayurveda techniques.
We hope you’ll join our campaign and tell others so we can keep bringing awareness and fighting for a cure! Join DIVAS FOR THE CURE and if you’re on twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram use hash tag #PinkUnitesUsAll
Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
Where Everything is Fabulous!
*Giving Style a Voice!*
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#PinkUnitesUsAll, #BreastCancerAwareness, #Information, #Style, #Fashion, #DivasForTheCure, @Mindofadiva, @NajaamLee, @Gosh!About, @JenniferBaker, @LapazimageingfashionForward, #FashionBlogger
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