Saturday, July 17, 2010

Fashionable in Hot Weather!

Hello Fashionistas!

Tis the season to be sweating!! I know all of you are still wanting to look "Fabulous" even though it is so very hot out. We here at LaPaz Image/Event Consultants totally understand so we're going to share a few tips with you that should keep you looking just as Fabulous even though it is blazing outside!

TOP 5 Tips:

1. Dark Colors: Remember dark colors draw heat to you. Instead of going with a very heavy color during the summer reach for lighter colors such as: Pastels, muted-colors, white, soft blues and corals

2. Make-up: should be very light and breathable almost as if you aren't wearing any.. Make sure that your make-up isn't oil base because you will see your face melt before your very eyes.. Great products to try is Arbonne they are natural and look and feel great on your skin. Visit the website at or contact Marianne Hoosier at for more information regarding the products and how to order.

3. Hydration: It starts from inside drink plenty of water this way your skin doesn't dehydrate. Hydration is the key to looking your best. The other reason you should stay hydrated is it will give you more energy, power and will help you to stay cooler longer.

4. Sun Screen: No matter what your skin tone is you must protect yourself from the sun. If your skin tone is light, medium or dark you need to make sure your using the proper SPF. No one wants to look older than they really are so be mindful of the time your laying out in the sun. (Less is best)

5. Hats: Hats are a great trend for the summer invest in a few fabulous brims. Think of how fabulous you will look going to meet frineds for lunch or just running around the city many of your top fashionistas are dawning great fedoras.

These are just a few tips for staying cool and still looking your best for the summer!

If you would like other great tips or you want us to cover a certain topic e-mail us at

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