Sonya LaRae: Editor-in-Chief
Meah: Sr. Editor
Photograph provided by: GQ (Gentlemen's Quarterly)
Hey LaPazions welcome to another Fabulous season of Lapazimageing Fashion Forward! We’re very happy to be back and cannot wait for another exciting and amazing year in fashion, style, beauty, runway coverage, Designer interviews and much more!
Well, you can just imagine our shock and surprise when the pre-release of the February 2013 issue of GQ was sent over to us and its the new mother to little Blue Ivy Carter-Ms. Beyonce Knowles-Carter; in what can be stated as and almost not there outfit. I know that she is being hailed as one of the sexiest women, and that she looks Ahhmazing after giving birth just a year ago but; we feel that the cover lacked a lot of taste, class and forethought by the fabulous R&B singer, song writer, actress, mother, wife, business woman and UN representative. We know that sex sells but, when does it become overt and egregious? Where do these stars draw the preverbal line in the sand? How low will they go to just keep their fame? Beyonce is also slatted to perform for the Superbowl on February 3,2013 where she will be performing solo; as well as reuniting with her former Destiny Child members Kelly Rowlands, and Michelle Williams who will do a medley of their hits plus, they will be performing a brand new song. It also made us start wondering what will Queen B- decide to wear during her performance, being that the cover is not G-Rated, with a showing of her bust and the almost not there underwear makes you wonder will she go for the shock and awe for that moment on TV?
Give us your thoughts and your feedback on this article and the cover of GQ we look forward to the interaction!
Be apart of the Hottest Spot on the Internet!
Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
Where Everything is Fabulous!
Next issue: Preparing for Fashion Week
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