I know we all was shocked to hear of Kimora Lee Simmons-Hounsou leaving her company Baby Phat as of September 1, 2010 after 14 years. Kimora has nurtured and groomed Baby Phat into the empire that we all have come to know and love!
Reliable sources stated that Kimora stated in an interview "That after 14 years of conceiving, nurturing and directing Baby Phat, it's time for me to move on and further expand my other businesses and create a new phenomenon. I'm forever dedicated to my family, fans and customers, my inspiration has always come from the fabulous women who have been with me through the years as we've grown from young party girls to power players! We're ready for our next journey together and we're taking a whole new generation of incredible young women with us. Girl Power unite!"
We know that Kimora Lee Simmons has other empires which include KLS Collection, Kouture by Kimora and Fabulosity among other ventures. Kimora also has a hit reality series which is on the Style Network "Life in the Fab Lane" which we found out is currently shooting its fourth season.
We know this mogul will raise as a Phoenix and will still be as Fabulous as she has always been. We will miss the creative director of this well known company and brand and we will have to see what direction Baby Phat will go now that the brain and the brand are parting and we look forward to seeing what the next chapter is for this Creative, Powerful, Driven Fabulous women takes!
Kimora Lee Simmons to bigger and better things!
LaPaz Imageing Fashion Forward
Where everything is Fabulous!
This article is property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and copyrights of Lapazimageingfashion.blogspot.com 2010. It is prohibited by law to copy, add or release this information without signed authorization of the so said company herein listed in this article under the laws of The United States and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Copyright Infringement Laws.
Saturday, August 21, 2010
Tuesday, August 17, 2010
Attention All Fashionistas and Fashionistos!!
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Dior (09/10) Hello Fashionistas and Fashionistos!! We are about to enter a few of the most FABULOUS few months known to everyone in the Fashion Industry or those just interested in Fashion!! Lapazimageing Fashion Forward wants to make sure that all of our Fabulous Divas and Divos are Kept up-to-date and informed on what is on the horizon for all of you who are dreaming of everything in Full FABULOUSITY!! Grab your Stunner Shades, Bling, Hottest Shoes and the Most Fabulous Couture outfit and join us!! Month of August 2010: Baltimore, MD 2nd Annual Fashion Week Dates: August 19-August 22 Website: www.baltimorefashionweek.com Month of September 2010: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Dates: September 9-September 16 Location: Lincoln Center (no longer at Bryant Park) Website: www.mbfashionweek.com Fashion Night Out Dates: September 10 Website: www.fashionnightout.com Information: Fashion’s Night Out (FNO) is an unprecedented global initiative created to celebrate fashion, restore consumer confidence, and boost the industry’s economy. In the United States, the program is a collaboration between American Vogue, the Council of Fashion Designers of America, NYC & Company, and the City of New York. On September 10, 2010, Fashion’s Night Out will return to New York City and launch in cities nationwide to put the fun back in shopping, with designer appearances, live windows, celebrity guests, and other special events. Around the world, and led by fifteen international Vogue editions (Australia, Britain, China, France, Germany, Greece, India, Italy, Japan, Korea, Portugal, Russia, Spain, Taiwan, and Turkey), each country will celebrate Fashion’s Night Out on one night between Sept 7 and Sept 16, 2010. Fashion’s Night Out will be the subject of a one-hour special on CBS on September 14, 2010. For more information visit www.fashionsnightout.com An Emerging Odyssey Date: Friday, September 10 Website: https://www.paypal.com/cgi-bin/webscr?cmd=_s-xclick&hosted_button_id=FJE66UCVDWMQE Information: FASHION LOVES NEW YORK presents " An Emerging Odyssey" 3 Top Emerging Companies making a name in the Fashion & Entertainment Industry are hosting a Fashion Social Gala ...~ Presenting to the Press & Fashion Community: New Designers New Fashions New Faces ~ Come and enjoy the festivities Tickets On Sale NOW!!!-- $40.00 RSVP or $50.00 @ Door Month of October 2010: Philadelphia Fashion Week Dates: October 6-October 9 Website: www.philadelphiafashionweek.org or info@philadelphiafashionweek.org New Jersey Fashion Week Dates: October 11-October 12 Location: Pleasantdale Chateau 757 Eagle Rock Avenue West Orange, NJ 07052 Website: http://newjerseyfashionweek.com This all promises to be a few very exciting months; and you don't want to miss out on all the Fabulous designers, styles, makeup, hair and most importantly the Fabulous PEOPLE!! We hope to see some of you out for Fashion Night Out and at some of the other events!! Lapazimageing Fashion Forward Where everything is Fabulous!! www.lapazimageingfashion.blogspot.com www.lapazimageing.com Property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants copyrights 2010 |
Tuesday, August 10, 2010
Designer Extraordinaire!
LFF: Theo thank you for taking time out of your busy schedule to do this Fashion Interview: Tell me a little about yourself where are you originally from?
TH: I was born and raised in the Bronx I guess you could say; I’m a native New Yorker. After High School I went into the Army Reserves then from their attended college at Bernard M. Baruch College and received a Bachelor Degree in Business Administration and minored in Finance. From this point I got a job as an Intern at a Financial Company but ended up hearing about a position at a very well known department store, which I took the position in Vendor Relations then later on I went into Retail Management.
LFF: In reading your Bio I noticed that you have your Bachelor Degree in Finance Management-Did you also go back to school for your degree in Fashion Design?
TH: I did go back to school at FIT but for Textile design, and then I also did several Continuing Educational Courses.
LFF: What inspired you to launch your own line after having such a lucrative career in Retail management with some of the top named stores in business today?
TH: Honestly Sonya; it was my sister-in-law- I had received a very well known designers luggage for either my birthday or Christmas and my sister in law and I was having a heavy discussion regarding Quality-vs-Quantity and she ripped this tiny tag out of the bottom of the luggage and asked me to read what it said and it stated “ROC”. She asked did I know what that meant and I said no. Republic of China she stated most of Americans are buying products that are produced not here in the United States but over seas. She stated if I really wanted to be in this industry I really need to educate myself and learn this business and that is kind of it and then on top of everything else I was kind of hitting that proverbial glass ceiling in Retail Management. I ended up contacting an agency which helped me put together my Industry Resume and I ended up getting a position in a “Sample Room” where First Run Production Samples are made and that just bloomed into more.
LFF: Which we are so happy; now how long did it take you to put your collection and production team together?
TH: EIGHT Years!
LFF: Wow!
TH: Yes it took eight years but Sonya let me help you to understand many designers out here put Couture on there labels but; true Couture takes anywhere from 180-200 steps to create one garment that is all hand sown. It takes time and being that the Fashion Industry and Manufacturing that is and was done here has changed so much in this economy and wanting excellent quality as what is being manufactured in Europe but here in New York has been somewhat of a challenge.
LFF: Well that is very understandable; how hands on are you with all the elements of your collection?
TH: (laughed) I wear all the different element hats, caps, hair whatever I’m apart of it (not literally) I’m truly hands on with every aspect of my collection and designs.
LFF: Your collection for 2010 was breath taking and really celebrated the woman’s silhouette.
TH: Thank you so much I’m glad you took notice of this I design for the women with children that want to look fabulous but still have the spill-proof fabrics and clothing that is balanced for well-living meaning that it is versatile to any life style. I want to make a very cohesive collection that it can mix and match with anything and you don’t have to spend hours in front of your closets trying to figure things out my tops can be paired with a pair of our slacks or a skirt and jacket it is multi-functional.
LFF: I have to say that I love that element in your collection and that you also aren’t afraid to use colors and different patterns in your collection.
TH: Not at all I love colors and textures
LFF: Theo what can we look forward to with your Spring/Summer 2011-2012 collection?
TH: Well coming collection is celebrating the colors and textures of Africa. I don’t mean like how you see things in the main stream of manufacturing such as the Kente cloth or dashiki’s I’m speaking more of the colors of the reds from the Masai taking the influences of the wheat color from off the plains the collection is named “Urban Safari” Out of Africa.
LFF: That just sounds so spectacular and I’m just so excited to see the sneak peak! Now when do you think you will be ready to show the collection?
TH: We are getting ready for some showing by as soon as next week.
LFF: Are you also going to be showing at the Mercedes Benz Open?
TH: No not this year we aren’t going to be in the show but we will be doing some venues elsewhere.
LFF: Please keep me posted on where, Theo how do the sizes run?
TH: Sonya as I stated I design for the American woman and so like a size 4 will fit a size 6 and a size 14 will fit a size 16. European sizes run much smaller than most American women and they don’t design for the contours of the American woman’s body.
LFF: That is Fabulous, and what is the price range?
TH: Well starting out from like $130.00-$3000 for our high-end evening wear and other Couture items, we also do custom designs as well.
LFF: Where can our readers buy your most fabulous collection?
TH: They can either buy directly from Theo Courtnay New York (http://www.theocourtnaynewyorkonline.com/) or visit our E-commerce at: www.smashingdarling.com
LFF: Theo I cannot begin to tell you what a real pleasure this has been and please you must tell us when and where you will be showing.
TH: I will and thank you!
Theo Hackney is a true visionary and has thought of such a breath taking collection that is about the American public and having styles that can fit anyone’s lifestyle. Theo also has a men’s line that is just as breath taking and very well structured.
For more information regarding this designer please feel free to contact LaPaz Image/Event Consultants at lapazimageing@yahoo.com
Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
Where everything is Fabulous!
Article by: SL
This article/photos are the property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and copyrights of Lapazimageingfashion.blogspot.com ã 2010. It is prohibited by law to copy, add or release this information without signed authorization of the so said company herein listed in this article under the laws of The United States and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Copyright Infringement Laws.
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Dressing Age Appropriate – Such a Touchy subject?!

For me, adapting your style to your age is no different to dressing for your body-type, or your fashion persona, or your lifestyle. I mean every so often we revamp our style to up-date our look and wardrobe it is the same thing as dressing age appropriate. It is so important for each person to really know their particular body-type and how the body has changed. Newsflash “It is so true that the body does a 360 after a certain age”. Once you hit a certain age unfortunately things change it is apart of the “maturity” of the body let’s just say it that way. For me it certainly doesn’t mean that women have to become more conservative and less adventurous as they get older.
I LOVE to encourage my clients in their 40’s and older to dress more youthful, adopt suitable fashion trends and stay looking hip cool and sophisticated until they’re 100. Then we will cross the next hurtle at that point. The thing is most women in their 40’s still have so much life and energy that dressing like some kind of little old lady is out of the question!! The point is this maybe before you could wear the miniskirt and look great and ultra sexy but now maybe not so much don’t be afraid to lower the hemline I don’t mean down to your ankles but maybe just above the knees. It is all about knowing what will compliment your body-type and covering the little flaws that you notice; that will keep you looking fresh, sexy and oh yeah “Age Appropriate”.
Here is another point to consider when you think about this point think back to when you where let’s say 10 years old you couldn’t wear what your 17 year old sister was wearing and when you was 17 you couldn’t wear what your 25 year old sister was wearing well that rule still applies at age 40 and above. Remember each age has there own particular style that complements that age group and what will make you always age appropriate in your attire.
This is my take on this age-old topic and I look forward to hearing your opinions on this subject. Do you think there is such a thing as “Age Appropriate Attire”?
Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
Where everything is Fabulous!
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