Editor-in-Chief: Sonya LaRae
Senior Editor: Leah Leslie
Article by: Sonya LaRae- Certified Image Consultant/Certified Lifestyle Coach and Fashion Journalist
Photos Provided by: LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
LaPazions, I’m sitting here writing this article and reflecting on such and amazing talent, extremely brilliant visionary and the ultimate gentlemen of gentlemen Mr. Oscar de la Renta. I’m sadden to report today that the sultan of fashion passed away Monday at the age of 82; which his family confirmed.
I have a personal attachment to this article because; I was introduced to this brilliant Designer at a very young age by my grandmother Eleanor, who was the epitome of elegance, style and grace. I remember watching her pull out such gorgeous garment from her closet to get ready for an events or simply getting dressed to go out to lunch with her girlfriends, she always looked so beautiful and regal. I said grandmother, I love your clothes and she said to me “this is and Oscar de la Renta and I love his designs and the way I feel wearing them.” I never forgot that and I told my grandmother one day when she asked me what I was going to be when I grew up? I said “I’m going to be you when I grow up and I’m going to have this clothes in as well.” Funny my grandmother never got to see me as and adult and the things that I’ve accomplished but, the one thing she instilled in me was the love of great quality and fashion. I’ve had the great pleasure of sitting at many of Oscar de la Renta’s runway shows and, have had the pleasure of meeting this amazing Designer but; the one thing I took away was his true love and sincerity that he poured into each and every collection. I remember sitting at my first show thinking how I wish my grandmother could be there with me or just to see this moment, she would be so tickled and proud.
Oscar de la Renta has become a house hold name from fragrances, home furnishings, clothing, shoes you name it the brand is as breathtaking as the man! He’s had the great pleasure of dressing the whose-who, starting with the first ladies of the white house:Oscar is the reason we know of Hilary Clintons’ signature look the pant suit. It’s funny because just in April of last year, Hilary Clinton presented the fashion tighten with the Medal of Excellence at Carnegie Hall and she joked:"This man has been working for more than 20 years to turn me into a fashion icon." We know how many celebrities he’s dressed for red carpet events like SJP (Sarah Jessica Parker) for the Met Gala:
This gown was just to gorgeous for words and it also had the fabulous signature across the train of Oscar de la Renta! I mean who else could have rocked this gown with such elegance?
News had been swelling around the industry that de la Renta was ill and surprisingly just last week the company announced that they appointed Peter Copping as Creative Director:In a statement from the acclaimed Designer he stated, "Our Industry has not always done the best job when it comes to changes in design leadership. My hope is that, in leading this selection, and actively participating in the transition, I can insure the right design future for our company and brand," We truly hope that Copping can keep the integrity of the name the brand that is Oscar de la Renta.
Oscar leaves behind his wife Annette de la Renta whom he married in 1989 and his son Moises de la Renta:Oscar de la Renta, gave fashion and elegance that will be missed and a true genuine love for all things Fabulous! The gentleman has left the building and we all stand and applaud such a beautiful spirit and hope and pray that his legacy will continue on!
Rest in peace Oscar de la Renta: July 22, 1932-October 20, 2014
Lapazimageing Fashion Forward
Where Everything is Fabulous!
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