Thursday, October 17, 2013

What Message is Elle Mag Sending:

Elle Jacket

Editor-in-Chief:Sonya LaRae

Senior Editor:Leah Leslie

Photographs by:Elle Magazine and

Article by: Sonya LaRae-Certified Image Consultant/Certified Lifestyle Coach

Hey LaPazion, many of you are maybe fans of Elle magazine but, coming next week on the stands we’re going to have Actress/Comedian Melissa McCarthy donning the cover; which is fabulous in its self-I have some issue and several others seem to be raising eyebrows as well. You see McCarthy looks fabulous until you get to her outfit, I mean what exactly was Elle thinking?

I mean in all honesty this is a milestone for the magazine as you know because they haven’t had any women per say of size on any of their issues and now that they’ve decided to have Melissa why would they stick her in and ill fitted sack of a coat? Why wouldn’t they hire a Fabulous Stylist i.e. ME to style this gorgeous curvy star? What message are they really sending to women with curves? Melissa McCarthyI find myself being a little insulted that they would go all out for hair and makeup but, stick her in a gunny sack! I find its time for women of all shapes and sizes to be celebrated and taken on as sexy icons and that real women can see the Fashion industry isn’t just about a size 0 but, can appreciate and uplift Every lady out here that maybe reading, watching or buying the merchandise. ITS TIME FOR A CHANGE AND ELLE YOU NEED TO BE ASHAMED!!

Lapazimageing Fashion Forward

Where Everything is Fabulous!

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#ElleMagazine, @MelissaMcCarthy, #Fashion, #FashionBlogger, #Style, #ImageConsulants, #Beauty


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