Wednesday, April 6, 2011

To Bare Arms or Not To Bare Arms?!

Its so funny many times we get e-mails from reader/clients, asking us how to cover or disguise heavy arms.  One Reader of Lapazimageing Fashion Forward, asked us “was it something she could rub onto her triceps (aka bat wings) that would help her arms to look smaller for a short period of time or do we have a good Plastic Surgeon we could refer them to.”

This started us thinking that soon around the corner the warm weather will be here and the dilemma of sleeveless will come around once again!! Many woman with plump arms fret over how to hide their flabby and un-toned areas.  We have found with some just simple exercises work but for others its just a no win solution of whipping those bat wings into submission.. Well thankfully you’ve come to the right sight that can give you a few tips on how to disguise your body’s wiggles and jiggle parts (that quote taken from-Nisei Nash of Clean House and DWTS Fame).  Knowing how to cover heavy arms involves a simple understanding of flattering fashions.  I know you hear us speak of body-type all the time but, its true if you know your body-type you can cover, take away, enhance and much more!!

The problem   

Step 1:

Avoid shirts and dresses with unflattering sleeves! If you have fat arms, sleeves that end anywhere between the elbow and shoulder leave your arms looking rather large instead of flattering.  These types of sleeves actually draw attention to your un-toned triceps, cap sleeves, which barely cover the shoulder, are particularly unflattering to women with heavier arms because the cut tends to highlight the least attractive part of the upper arm.

step 2:

Opt for shirts and dresses with long sleeves or three-quarter or elbow-length sleeves. By covering the upper arm completely, will give the illusion of the arm being smaller but if it hits just mid point on the arm it will make the arm look heavier.  Ladies believe it or not even though you have a heavier arm you could wear a sleeveless shirt depending on the width and style, you may initially feel uncomfortable wearing a sleeveless top, but this style is actually quite flattering on most women.  Choose a sleeveless tank or top cut close to the neck to reveal the subtle sexiness of the shoulder bones.

Step 3:

Wear a slimming undershirt underneath your clothes to conceal your arms’ bulges (great example is Wendy Williams when she appeared on DWTS) anyone and everyone knows how Ms. Wendy Williams speaks of her bat wings all the time well she did a great job of disguising them on the Dancing with The Stars show. The come in a wide range of styles and colors, slimming undergarments use specific fabrics and clothing technologies to discreetly shape the arms and prevent them from appearing fat or flabby. Celebrities have been doing this for years!! In many cases, these slimming shirts can be worn alone or underneath shirts, sweaters, jackets and dresses.


Step 4:

Provide an instantly slimming effect by choosing shirts in dark colors, such as black or navy blue. Since dark colors do not reflect much light, wrinkles, curves and bulges in the fabric remain relatively hidden.  However, avoid the shinny black fabrics, which will only highlight your problem areas.

Step 5:

Wear a jacket, shawl, shrug or cardigan to further cover up your arms.  Choose a color or style that will complement your outfit and skin tone.  If you are wearing jeans and a casual blouse, opt for a lightweight denim jacket or chunky sweater but, nothing that is going to add girth.  To hide your arms in business attire, don a structured blazer which will add a very professional look to your wardrobe.  When you’re out pool side, hide your arms with a casual button up shirt with sleeves rolled up to the elbow.

Step 6:

Enhance your outfit with bold accessories to draw attention away from your problem areas. This is a key element for us, rather than constantly fretting about your arms, focus on highlighting your assets!! If you are proud of your waist cinch it within a inch of your life and show off that tiny waistline, with a to-die-for Fabulous belt, have sexy legs go on flaunt what GOD has given you with a killer pair of stilettos or a really sexy pair of stockings, beautiful jaw-line and face wear a bold pair of earrings or a dramatic necklace can also draw attention away from your arms.

Whatever your issue is with your arms, trust us only you are really taking notice of this issue and you’re the only one that may feel like you have heavy or unflattering arms.  Be proud of that fabulous person you really are and know that any of these small issues can be styled!!

If you are interested in a free consultation, with the best in the industry contact LaPaz Image/Event Consultants at or you can call 1-800-906-7051 ext. 1!

Be apart of the Hottest Spot on the Internet! 

Lapazimageing Fashion Forward

Where everything is Fabulous!

Article by: S. LaRae- Editor-In-Chief

This article is property of LaPaz Image/Event Consultants and copyrights of ©2011. It is prohibited by law to copy, add or release this information without signed authorization of the so said company herein listed in this article under the laws of The United States and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania Copyright Infringement Laws.

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